Menus of a Mom

Just trying to get the family fed!

Ok Indian and Fresh Herbs = Phenomenal


After the blackened lasagna from the other night, we had nowhere to go but up this week.  Last night saw some Chicken Tikka that was okay.  I mean, definitely tasty, but certainly no where near amazing.  That’s okay though, a little naan on the side will always bring it around.  And Boog liked it.  She ate broccoli, chicken, rice and naan, pretty well-balanced so I’ll take it.

Tonight, we had the Layered Bruschetta Salad, with a few tweaks to make it a little more fresh.  Instead of buying pre-cooked chicken strips, I diced chicken breast and cooked it in Roasted Red Pepper Italian dressing.  I also used balsamic vinegar, a splash of olive oil, salt and pepper instead of the vinaigrette.

Beautiful, right?

This was delicious!  We go through periods where we eat a lot of salads, but then get burnt out on it because I don’t mix up the flavors enough.  But this was awesome.  Boog ate around the lettuce and tomatoes, but she was excited about it.  My husband used the term “phenomenal”, which is pretty crazy because he usually groans in protest when we have a salad night.  The fresh basil and the balsamic made the dish pop. I highly recommend it!  I think I might include some yellow bell pepper next time, just to add another beautiful color to the mix.

Oh, and we’re going to visit family tomorrow night, so Quinoa Black Bean burgers will be back up on the menu next week!

Author: menusofamom

I'm a mom that works outside the house trying to create home cooked meals for my little family of three. My husband is a small business owner, and my daughter turned 2 in February.

2 thoughts on “Ok Indian and Fresh Herbs = Phenomenal

  1. I’m going crazy with tomato and basil dishes, and yours looks great! I want to savor these summery flavors for as long as possible.

    • It’s funny, I’ve been so anxious seeing fall recipes and wanting it to get here. But yes, this dish made me think, wait, there are lot of flavors right now that I will miss very shortly!

What do you think?